Music Therapy/Therapist Program 2024 Average Tuition Costs

For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of colleges offering Music Therapy/Therapist program is $32,478 for undergraduate programs and $25,207 for graduate programs.

The following table shows the average tuition & fees for Music Therapy/Therapist programs.

2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of Music Therapy/Therapist Program
A program that prepares individuals, in association with a rehabilitation team or in private practice, to use music in therapeutic relationships to address patients' physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, and social needs. Includes instruction in music theory and performance, human growth and development, biomedical sciences, abnormal psychology, disabling conditions, patient assessment and diagnosis, treatment plan development and implementation, clinical evaluation, record-keeping, and professional standards and ethics

Career and Salary after Completing Music Therapy/Therapist Program

The following jobs are possible careers after completing Music Therapy/Therapist major program. The average wage is based on the latest employment and wage data (May 2022) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average annual wage of Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary career is $133,310 and, for Therapists, All Other, the average annual income is $65,030.

Music Therapy/Therapist Careers and its Average Wage (as of May 2023)
Job TitleHourly WageAnnual Wage
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary-$133,310
Therapists, All Other$31.26$65,030